Sunday, March 17, 2013

30 reasons why my husband is a lovely human

This post is not meant to be overly sappy or to make anyone gag while reading.  (If you must, you must.  I apologize in advance).  It is a pure, heart-felt sentiment that I'd like to express, because I know deep down that I don't say thank you enough to this man that I married.  I know that in the day to day routines, comings and goings, ups and downs, and all that we experience, I don't express my appreciation enough. My appreciation for the person he is, and all that he does for me/Hazel/others in our life together. In general, we often spend too much time thinking about all the things we wish were different about the people we love, instead of focusing on the beautiful things that make them who they are.  It is human nature, to sometimes take the people we care about for granted.

So, I'd like to take some time and publicly outline a few of the reasons why I love and appreciate this man so. 

1)  He is incredibly patient when he needs to be (except for in traffic or at stoplights).
2)  He has a knack for details - very observant in his surroundings, which is good because I am NOT at all good at this.  He is the yin to my yang. 
3)  He is a wealth of knowledge about television and the entertainment industry.  Can't remember the name of that actor that was in 500 Days of Summer or your favorite TV show?  Ask Mike - he always knows.
4)  He has beautiful, strong hands.
5)  He always smells amazing.
6)  He is sensitive to others, and cares deeply when people are hurting.
7)  He is a peacemaker and a mediator.
8)  He is gentle, sweet, and so loving with our daughter.  And he was the best birth coach I could have ever imagined.
9)  He gives me endless back massages, foot massages, etc when I request them (and yes, I request them a lot).
10)  He scrubs our showers and toilets.
11)  HE SCRUBS OUR SHOWERS AND TOILETS.  Like, way more often than I do. 
12)  his soft hair, the sound of his voice
13)  He is incredibly responsive when I need him.
14)  He is one of the most genuine people I've ever known.
15)  He loves his family very much.
16)  He is a funny man - an entertainer - loves to make people laugh.
17)  He has a creative mind.
18)  He does the laundry.
19)  He loves music more than most things - there is always a song running through his head.
20)  his hazel-colored eyes, which slope downward at the outer corners and are framed by long, gorgeous eyelashes (okay, I kind of also hate him for this) 
21)  He feeds the cat, takes out the trash, does the dishes, changes the cat litter, and vacuums.  He generally cleans more than I do.  And I love him for that.
22)  He is silly and weird sometimes, like me.
23)  He is smart.
24)  He grounds me in a way no one else can.  I am a dreamer, he is a realist.  Again, the yin to my yang.
25)  He loves to dance (more than he will admit).
26)  He loves to tell stories (those of you who know him, know this well).
27)  He is endlessly responsible.
28)  He is endlessly loyal.
29)  He is generous.

and last but not least,

30)  He is the person that I feel the most comfortable with in this world. The person that I feel comfortable letting my guard down with, and letting the ugly, painful, raw, dark parts of me seep out from time to time.  He is my safe space.  He is my home.  He is love.

All things considered, I realize that I'm a very lucky lady.  I don't deserve him, but somehow he is here.  Life and marriage is not ever perfect... but I am so grateful to be on the journey with this man.  This partner.

This lovely human. 

p.s.  Did I mention that he scrubs our showers and toilets?  Amazing.


  1. Love this post--and is a good reminder to thank those that are "doing life" with us (which is so easy to overlook!). You are indeed blesseed, sweet friend. And I'm sure Mike has a long list of things for which he is grateful about you. **hugs**

    1. Sarah!! Thank you for your sweet words. I love that phrase - "doing life!!" Miss you, lady. Love love to you.
