Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blogger's block?

I've had this blog for all of 2 weeks, and already I've hit a rough patch.  I've been working on several posts simultaneously for the past week, and nothing seems to stick.  Or to make total sense.  Or to be post-worthy.  With book-reading, I like to say that I have reader's ADD.  I'm currently reading about 8 books.  I start them, read a couple of chapters, and then can't keep up the steam.  I get bored.  And then I pick up another book in the hopes that I'll be interested enough/disciplined enough to read through to the end.  Yikes.  Perhaps I need to select better reading material. 

I really hope I don't develop blogger's ADD. 

My husband recently asked me why I started this blog.  He asked what was my goal, intention, or purpose that I had in mind.  Well, mostly, I think I just wanted a place to log my thoughts.  To get the constant, swirling, commentary out of my brain and onto "paper."  And also, to connect with others.  It is a driving force in who I am and what I do, and a blog seemed like it could be a natural extension of me - a great platform to connect.  I also feel that I express myself better through writing than I do my spoken word.  My brain tends to jumble things up in the moment, and I'm not always sure I say the things I mean to say, or that I say them well.   Unlike many bloggers, and needless to say, I don't write professionally (although in grad school it sure felt like I did).  So it's also fun to try my hand and heart at it, and it's so wonderful to get feedback along the way.   I actually know very little about blogging - I think I followed two blogs with any remote regularity at all prior to starting my own.

In addition to these things, I love the idea that I am creating a record of my thoughts, feelings, and experiences, so that one day my daughter can read them and perhaps know more about her mom.  About my inner world and how I feel about life, love, struggle, and most importantly - how I feel about her, and how she has changed my life.  And all the things I will likely forget to say. 

So, I'm writing this post.  Because I told myself I needed to.  And I'm going to post it tonight, as a practice in completion and acceptance of imperfection.

All things considered, I'm so humbled that you took the time to read.  And, I'd really like to continue my journey as a blogger.  

Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck, Stef! I enjoy reading your blog so please continue! =)

    - Sophia

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sophia!! Your support means a lot to me. Thanks for reading!!

  2. I'm behind you Sis! Keep on keeping on!

    1. Kewpea.... I've been wondering who this elusive Kewpea was. My first official blog follower!! And it turns out to be my amazing, loving, supportive sister. Best. I love you!!! Thank you for reading!! xoxo
