Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The way you do the things you do

Dear Hazel,

I want to remember this fleeting time in your life, as each new phase in your short 15 months on earth has come and gone so quickly. To preserve a picture of you in my mind and the essence of you in my heart, at each new step of the way.  I want to remember the funny things that you say and do right now.  So I'm writing you this letter for you to read when you are older, and for us to look back and to remember the sweet Hazel of today. 

We have many nicknames for you.  Some include bubba, baby girl, Haze, Hazelnut, punkin, etc.  I like to call you our wild lady.  You are a doer.  A mover and a shaker.  A spirited young lass. You love doing many things. You love to laugh, to smile, to dance during mealtimes in your highchair, to dance anytime, to read books, to vocalize and make sounds - a LOT, to walk outside, to walk up and down stairs (with assistance), to play with puzzles, to chase the cat, to be chased, to "brush" your own teeth, to smile your sneaky smile while doing something you are not supposed to do, to open and close doors and cabinets, to pull out the contents of said cabinets, to make music of any kind -  to play the drums, maracas, or tambourine....these are some of the things you enjoy doing today.

You talk all the time.  We were so excited the first time you muttered the beloved words, mama and dada. (Dada was first.  Boooo.)  And as of today, these are the words that you say or have said at some point:

1) hi
2) buh bye
3) light
4) bah (ball)
5) doh (door)
6) keeee (key)
7) booon (balloon)
8)  tank too (thank you)
9) stickeeee (stinky)
10)  wow
11) uh-oh
12) nuh nuh (no)
13) hey-o? (hello?)
14)  bee-bee (baby)
15)  mimi (your paternal grandmother)
17)  mama-mama (grandma and papa - maternal grandparents)
18) nana (banana)
19) ra-ra (dog, cat, squirrel or any other animal)

You wave hello and goodbye, but usually five minutes after we have arrived or left.  You give high fives. You kiss people on the mouth.  You hug our legs when you are tired or feeling affectionate.  You pull up our shirts and look at our bellies, comparing them to your own.  You can point to your nose, ears, mouth, teeth, eyes, hair, belly, knees, fingers, and feet, when we ask you to.  You explore new places with abandon (most of the time, and mostly indoor places).  However, you are very afraid of the doctor's office - and you aren't the biggest fan of the doctors/nurses either.  You cry when other children cry, even if you are not hurt.  You love to look at pictures, and can point to family members when we say their names.

And here are some of your newer demonstrations/explorations of Hazel-hood: You sit down or lay flat on your stomach with your arms out while being defiant or in protest; you pick up your dirty diaper, take it to the trash can and throw it in; you can eat with a utensil, when you feel like it -sort-of; you casually throw your sippy cup on the floor during meals, then look up and smile; you can now crawl up onto the couch by yourself, keeping your parents on their toes; you eat dirt/mulch when we are outside or at the playground, giving your mother a mild heart attack; and just today, for the first time, you spun yourself around in a circle and giggled when you got dizzy. 

These are some of the things you do today, during this phase of your life.  Please know and don't forget - the things you DO, although amazing, do not define the person that you are.  The person you ARE, on the inside, is different.  And so much more. 

You are a funny little nut.  You make us so happy, just being you.  Being the quirky, fun, talkative, sweet, wild lady you are. We can't wait to keep watching you grow, and to see who you will become.  Thank you, for enriching our lives, for making us laugh, for making us humble, and for blessing us beyond what any words could ever express. 

All things considered, you are Hazel.  And we love you more than you will ever know. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! She'll love it! What a sweet mom you are! <3
